Thermal Distribution in Different Tissues Due to Mobile Phone Tower at 800 MHz|
Hemendra Tripathi|Pages: 35-45|Download article|
Electronic Waste Generation and Its Management in Bole and Akaki Kaliti Sub cities of Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Gudeta Hika Binegde, Akhila S. Nair and M.I. Zuberi|Pages: 46-51|Download article|
Plant Species Richness and Structure of Homegarden Agroforestry in Jabithenan District, North-Western Ethiopia
Zebene Asfaw, Ewuketu Linger and Solomon Zewudie|Pages: 52-58|Download article|
Green Infrastructure Planning and Development for Sustainable Urban Development: A Literature Review
Mikias Biazen Molla|Pages: 59-67|Download article|
Studies on the Effect of Vermicompost on the Growth Yield and Quality of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium L. CV. Kasturba Gandhi)
Subrata Raha|Pages: 68-71|Download article|
Analysis of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Municipal Solid Waste-A Case Study
Kush Kumar Dey, Preeti Pandey, Bhanu Pratap Singh and Vijay Bhatnagar|Pages: 72-74|Download article|
Effects of Oil Spillage (Pollution) on Agricultural Production in Delta Central Agricultural Zone of Delta State Nigeria
*Ani, A.O., *Chikaire, J.U., *Ogueri,E.I. and **Orusha, J.O|Pages: 75-80|Download article|
Multitemporal Land Use Land Cover Change and Dynamics of Blue Nile Basin by Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques, North-Western Ethiopia
Moges Kidane Biru1, Amare Sewnet Minale (PhD) 2, Alemu Bezie Debay|Pages: 80-88|Download article|
The Value of Urban Green Infrastructure and Its Environmental Response in Urban Ecosystem: A Literature Review
Mikias Biazen Molla| Pages: 89-101|Download article|
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