Global Journal of Current Research
(A Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal)
Vol 3 Issue 4; ISSN: 2320–2920
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari
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Household Savings and Capital Accumulation in Rural Nigeria: A Focus on Rural Farmers in Kwara State Nigeria
Mohammed, B. T., Nwune, M. P, and Aduba, J. J|Pages: 95-100|Download article|
Economics of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Tilapia (Tilapia zilli) under Monoculture and Polyculture Production in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria: A Comparative Approach
Onyeagocha, S.U.O1; Henri-Ukoha1, A; Chikezie,C1; Adaka G. S2; E.E. Oladejo3 Uhuegbulam I. J1 and I.O. Oshaji|Pages: 101-105|Download article|
Assessing the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Newborn Care among Postnatal Mother in Nirmala Hospital Suryapet, Telangana, India
Angel Rajakumari.G| Pages: 106-110|Download article|
A Study on Knowledge regarding Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent School Girls
Angel Rajakumari G|Pages: 111-116|Download article|
Oracle Environment Optimization for Query Optimization using Fuzzy Logic
Arti Chaudhary and Rajnesh Nirula|Pages: 117-121|Download article|
Response of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) to Seed Dressing Pesticide and Poultry Manure Rates in the Humid Tropical Environment of Owerri.
Ndulue N.K.,2Harriman J.C., Okoye A.I., Okagbue S.C., Obiekwe N. J., Okafor J.M., Okoye L.E. and 1Omumuabuike J.N.|Pages: 122-127|Download article|
Role of Panchayati Raj in Rural Development: A Study of Paru block under Muzaffarpur District, Bihar
Upasana Priyadarshini|Pages: 128-131|Download article|
Role of Foreign and Economic Development of Thailand
Phirool Phihakendr| Pages: 132-136| Download article|
Phonetic Symbolism: Sound Patterns and Their Thematic Resonance in Hardy’s Narrative
Salil Sagar | Pages: 137-139|Download Pdf|