A Study to Assess Knowledge and Practice Regarding Hand Hygiene among Health Care Professional Staffs
Angel Rajakumari.G| Pages: 1-5|Download article|

Customers Perception and their Satisfaction in Innovative Banking Industries: A Case Study of Uttarakhand India
K.S. Ramola1 and Neeraj Kumar|Pages: 6-12|Download article|

A study to evaluate the Effectiveness of Dietary Supplementary on Pre-menstrual syndrome among nursing students
Angel Rajakumari.G|Pages: 13-17|Download article|

 Inequality in Human Development between Sudan States
Jamal Eldeen Abd Elrazig Sulieman Jomah|Pages: 18-26|Download article|

Teachers Perception of the Rights of the Child: Implication for Early Childhood Education in Nigeria  
Victoria I. Iroegbu|Pages 27-32|Download article|

Determinants of Small holder Farmers Credit Use Decision: A Case of East Gojjam Zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia.
Derajew Fentie and M. Sundara Rao|Pages: 33-39|Download article|