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Global Journal of Current Research; UGC Journal No: 47359
Vol 5 Issue 3;ISSN: 2320–2920; SJ Impact Factor: 2.912
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari
1. Knowledge sharing Practice among Employees of Culture and Tourism Offices in the Addis Ababa, Oromia, Amhara and Southern Nation Nationalities and People Regions of Ethiopia
Addisalem Gulumma; Lawrance A.Gojeh and Amanuel Ayde Ergado| Pages: 102-106|Download Pdf|
2. Identification of Landuse Pattern Change in parts of Bundelkhand Craton, India, Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Parthapratim Ghosh|Pages: 107-112|Download Pdf|
3. Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis of Gaumukh Snout Retreat and Ice Loss Estimation at Gangotri Glacier, During 1962-2015
Parthapratim Ghosh|Pages: 113-119|Download Pdf|
4. Estimation of Beach Carrying Capacity for Lakshadweep Islands South India
Raheem, P., Vincy M. V., Brilliant R. and Jude, E. |Pages: 120-127|Download Pdf|
5. Access to Microcredit and its Effect on Crop Productivity and Household Income in Hawassa Zuria District of Sidama Zone Southern Ethiopia
Endrias Geta and Tilahun Hamiso|Pages: 128-134|Download Pdf|
6. Bacteriological and Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Hospital Wastewater: the Case of Myung Sung Christian Medical Center and Bethel Teaching General Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Risko Assefa; Serawit Handiso;Tesfaye Alemu and Mekbib Dawit|Pages: 135-145|Download Pdf|
7. Ideas of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: An Overview
Tirthankar Chakraborty|Pages: 1456-156|Download Pdf|