International Journal of Environmental Sciences
Vol 9 Issue 1; ISSN: 2277-1948; SJ Impact Factor: 5.416

An Assessment of Water Quality by Evaluating various Physicochemical parameters of Sirpur lake Indore India
Authors: Mohd Abass Mantoo ; Shailendra Sharma and Rekha Sharma
Assessment,  NSF-WQI.  Narmada, Pollution, Status, Water, Euglenophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Dinophyceae.

Pages: 1-4Download Pdf|

Solid Waste Management & its Mitigation Techniques: A Case Study of Western Himalaya India
Authors: Rakesh Kumar Singh & Rajat
 Solid waste, Segregated Waste, Municipal Council, Urban local bodies, Non-Biodegradable.

Pages: 5-9; Download Pdf|