International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities
Vol 7 Issue 3; ISSN: 2321-4147; Peer Reviewed Journal

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Anil Tyagi

Development of Higher Education in Mizoram with Special Reference to Science: A Review
Author: Thokchom Budha Singh
Higher education, Science education, Development, Undergraduate, Post-graduate
42-50Download Pdf|

Demographic Profile among the two Caste Populations of Andhra Pradesh, India
Author: Neeraja Sunkara
Demography, fertility, mortality, sex ratio, morbidity, birth ratio, dependency ratio, literacy rate, consanguineous marriage, sex, proportions.

Pages: 51-56Download Pdf|

A Review of Literature on Higher Education as a Tool for Innovation
Author: Catherine Wairimu Thiong’o
Higher education, innovation, innovative behavior

Pages: 57-63|Download Pdf|

India’s relations with South Africa in the post Apartheid era:  Emerging Areas of Co-operation
Author: N. Surjitkumar
South Africa, India, Apartheid.
64-71|Download Pdf|

Relationship between Mental Health and Emotional Intelligence among Senior Secondary Students: A Study
Author: Vidhu Shekhar Pandey
Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence, Senior Secondary students.

Pages: 72-75|Download Pdf|