International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management
Vol 4 Issue 1; ISSN: 2456-1029; Editor-in-Chief: Er. Ramesh Singh

Assessment of Associations between the risk Management Role of Internal Audit Function and Its Determinants: a Case Study in south Gondar Zone

Author: Dawud Ali Hassen
Internal audit function, risk management role, challenges of risk management role;
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Forces Distribution in N-Truss Members

Authors: Mohammed Taher, Ahmed Ebid, Mohamed Korashy, Said Youssef Abo El Haggag
Keywords: Steel Truss; Truss Structure; Finite Element Modeling
Pages: 14-23|Download Pdf|

Stability of Petroleum Storage Tanks considering the effect of Helical Stair Beams

Authors: Mahmoud Ahmed Hussien; Said Yousif Abu Hagag; Ahmed Maged and  Mohamed Mostafa Korashy
Stability of oil tank, steel tank design, shell stiffening, shell buckling.

Pages:24-35; Download Pdf|

Behaviour of Mono-symmetric Steel-concrete Composite Section provided with Angle and Channel Shear connectors

Authors: Ahmed Kamar, Mahmoud Lasheen, Amr Shaat, Amr zaher, Ayman Khalil
Mono-symmetric, Composite beam, Effective slab width, angle shear connectors, channel shear connectors

Pages: 36-51; Download Pdf|

Stability of Shell Roof Structures under Different Load Types

Authors: Mahmoud Abo Ouf *, Said Aboul Haggag, Ahmed Maged and Tamer Hanfy
Steel Structures; Shell Roof; Stability; Different Loads.

Pages: 52-61:Download Pdf|

Parametric Study of Multiplanar Tubular KK-Joints

Authors: Ahmed A. Kadry, Ahmed M. Ebid, Tamer H. Radwan, S.Y. Aboul Haggag
Keywords: Prametric, Multiplanar, Tubular

Pages: 62-70Download Pdf|