International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Vol 10 Issue 4; ISSN: 2277-1921; SJIF Impact Factor: 7.12
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari
An Adjustment in Efficiency of Potatoes Production: A case Study of Beheira and Ismailia Governorates, Egypt
Authors: Dr. Tarek Morsi Masoud Abasi*; Dr. Rehab Jamal Eldin Abd Elhamid; Dr. Mohammed Sayaf Ibrahim Ali Morsi and Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Abd Elhafeez
Keywords: Potatoes, Foreign trade, ARIMA forecasting, DuPont Index, Efficiency, Optimal Production, Optimum combinations, Beheira and Ismailia Governorates.
Pages: 51-60; Download Pdf|
Application of Science and Technology in the Welfare of Humanity: A Review
Author: Ganesh P. Pokhariyal
Keywords: Sustainable development, healthcare, food security, education, housing, manufacturing
Pages: 61-69; Download Pdf|
A Study of Ant Diversity in Selected Sites of Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India
Authors: Ajay Joseph and Sabitha Thomas
Keywords: Biodiversity, Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, agricultural area, habitat, Ants.
Pages: 70-74;Download Pdf|