International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities
Vol 11 Issue 2; ISSN: 2321-4147; Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 6.002 (2022-23 Ranking)
UGC Approved-Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal
Analysis of Trends and Challenges in The Implementation of School Reentry Policy Among Adolescents in Zambia
Authors: Phir George and Kasongo Mumba;
Pages: 35-44; [Download Pdf] [View HTML] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32020.92800]
Examining the New Income Tax System in Comparison to the Old Tax System: A Critical Study
Authors: Rakesh Bharadwaj and Dr. Ashish Kumar Singhal
Pages: 45-48: [Download Pdf ] [View HTML] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12576.39689]
Investigate the Impact of Globalization on Cultural Diversity and Local Identities
Authors: Priyanka Sangwan and Dr Atul Kumar
Pages: 49-54; [Download Pdf] [View HTML] [DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.14843.94247]
Significance of Informal Education in Shaping Academic Success during Middle School Years
Authors: Monu Kumari, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Nandini Basu, Praveen Rastogi, Sudhanshu Mishra
Pages: 55-66; [Download Pdf] [DOI : 10.13140/RG.2.2.20209.29282]
Green Spaces: Nurturing School Children’s Mental Health and Well-Being
Authors: Nandini Basu, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Monu Kumari, Praveen Rastogi, Sudhanshu Mishra
Pages: 67-79; [Download Pdf] [DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.11820.68488]
Examining The Legal Provisions In India Relating To Child Trafficking And The Way Ahead : A Review
Authors: Dr. Souvik Chatterji; Aditi Roy and Samrat Samaddar
Pages: 80-87; [Download Pdf] [DOI : 10.13140/RG.2.2.18531.57123]
Examining the Humanity of Provisions of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act Law and Procedure in India: A Review
Authors: Dr. Souvik Chatterji; Subhajit Sadhu and Samrat Samaddar
Pages: 88-95; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31953.34404]