International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities

Vol 11 Issue 4; ISSN: 2321-4147; Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 6.002 (2022-23 Ranking)

UGC Approved-Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal

Studying the Psychology of Colour in Art: The Effects on Viewer Emotion and Perception

Authors: Gunjan Negi and Prof. (Dr) S.K Sarkar
Pages: 94-96; [Download Pdf] [DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.22098.57283]

Socioeconomic Rehabilitation for Forest Dwellers and the Sustainable Livelihood Approach: A Review

Authors: Pushpa Hongal, Yashpal Kshirsagar
Pages: 97-103; [Download Pdf][DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.11357.22249]

Dissemination of the Themes Related To Morality with the Help of Nature in The Select Poems of Robert Frost

Author: Stuti Singh
Pages: 104-106; [Download Pdf][DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.11104.90884]

Samaj Mein Mansik Swasthya Sanwardhan mein Social Media ki Vishvasniyata

Authors: Pooja Hediya and Dr Neerja Singh

Pages: 107-110; [Download Pdf]

The Role of Community Engagement in Enhancing Real Estate Values: A Study of Gated Communities in Urban India

 Author: Shreya Chopra
Pages: 11-115; [Download Pdf][DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.32991.47524]

Review Paper
The Craft of“–topian”Fictions: A Literary Chronotropic Evaluation

Author: Dr. Pratap Kumar Dash
Pages: 116-122; [Download Pdf][DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15683.41765]

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning: Bridging Digital Competence with Educational Progress

Author: Dr. Mamta Kumari
Pages: 123-127; [Download Pdf] [DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.15907.87847]

हाथरस-जनपद का लोक संगीत- ‘रसिया

Author:डॉ० शालिनी और विकास जोशी
Pages: 128-131; [Download Pdf] [DOI:   10.13140/RG.2.2.10786.54726]

Surrogacy in India: Socio-cultural and Legal Dilemmas and Feminist Perspectives

Dr. Nidhi Kataria
Pages: 132-137; [Download Pdf] [DOI:   10.13140/RG.2.2.35808.19200]

A Study on the Enhancement of Government Benefits Received By the Tribal Households in the Nilgiris District

Authors: Dr. Hemasrikumar and Mrs. Aiswarya Babu
Pages: 138-143; [Download Pdf] [DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.21778.57289]

Immigration and Postcolonial Political Mismanagement in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Admiring Silence

Authors: Abhay Singh Rana and Dr. Sandeep Kumar Sharma
Pages:144-148; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32483.05920]

भारत में गुणवत्ता शिक्षा पर हालिया चुनौतियाँ और शोध

Authors: डॉ कुलदीप और मिथिलेश कुमार
Pages: 149-155; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33554.16324]