Global Journal of Current Research

Vol 12 Issue 1; ISSN: 2320-2920; SJIF Impact Factor: 6.87; Indexed in Google Scholar and Research Gate
Peer Reviewed; UGC Approved Journals

Impact of Single Parenting on Children: A Case Study

Author: Priyanka Bisht
1-6; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22095.60327]

Empowering Adolescents through Nutrition Education: A Comprehensive Review

Author: Rajeshwari Ullagaddi; Veda Basavaraj Paragonnavar; Vidyashree A Kuballi and Spoorthi N
7-15; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20588.27527]

Quality of Life (QoL) of Slum Women: A Case Study of Dehradun City

Author: Tanu Kala
Pages: 16-22; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17280.34560]