Vol 3. No. 2.

1. Effects  of  Problem  Based  Learning  on  Students’  Academic  Achievement  and  Their  Attitude towards  Applied  Mathematics  in  Some  Selected  Ethiopia  Higher  Institutions  with  Specific Reference of First Year Civil Engineering Technology Students
Daba Meshesha Gusu , Asrat Mekonen, Habte Tadesse and O.Chandra Sekhara Reddy|Pages: 46-52|Download now|

2.Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Monitoring of the Water Bodies and their Effect on the Land Resources in Siwa Oasis, Egypt
Kotb, M.M; Ali, R.R. and El-Semary, M.A.|Pages: 53-60|Download now|

3.Spatial  Pattern  Analysis  and  Identifying  Risky  Factors  of Tuberculosis Disease: The Case of North Shoa Zone, Oromia National Regional  State of Ethiopia
Habte Tadesse Likassa, Butte Gotu Arero and O.Chandra Sekhara Reddy|Pages: 61-67|Download now|