Vol 1 Issue 1 (2013 Jan-March Issue)
Impact of Globalisation on Income Inequality in India: A Review
Anurag Agrawal|Download Pdf|
Regional Rural Banks (RRB’s): An Analysis of Performance during F.Y. 2007-12
Anurag Agrawal| Download Pdf|
Effectiveness of Farm yard Manure, Poultry Manure and Fertilizer –NPK on the Growth Parameters of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Shimoga, Karnataka
Arjumand banu.S.S, Ananth Nag.B and Puttaiah, E.T|Download Pdf|
Histological Evaluation of Cisplatin-Induced Gonadotoxicity against Murine Visceral Leishmaniasis
Meenakshi Sharma and *Sukhbir Kaur|Download Pdf|
Land use, land cover changes detection in Rasht city using Arc GIS and ERDAS
Roya Jaffar Garrousi and Chandrashekara. B| Download Pdf||
In Vitro Evaluation the Disinfectant Efficacy of Silver nanoparticles and Envirolyte-Anolyte for the Control of Flavobacterium columnare
Hussein A. Kaoud, Sherein Saeid and Abou Elgheit|Download Pdf|
Assessment of Nutrient Uptake on the Performance and Yield of Extra-Early Maize (Zea mays L.) Under two water Regimes in the Sudan Savannah of Nigeria
Aboyeji, Christopher Muyiwa and Haruna, Mikkah|Download Pdf|