International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management
Vol 3 Issue 3; ISSN: 2456-1029; Editor-in-Chief: Er. Ramesh Singh

Application of Value Engineering in the High Rise Buildings: A Review
Authors: Hosam Elhegazy, Ahmed Ebid, Ibrahim M. Mahdi, S.Y. Aboul Haggag, Ibrahim Abdel Rashid
 Value Engineering; Decision Support System; High Rise Building; Construction Industry.

Pages: 15-22; Download Pdf|

Identification the Knowledge Gaps in the Applying of Knowledge Areas of Project Management
Authors: Hosam Elhegazy, Ahmed Ebid, Ibrahim M. Mahdi, S.Y. Aboul Haggag, Ibrahim Abdel Rashid
Keywords: Knowledge gap; decision support system; mathematical models; project management; PMBOK; Project Process Groups; Gap analysis.

Pages: 23-31; Download Pdf|