International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management
Vol 2 Issue 2; ISSN: 2456-1029; SJIF: 2.92
Editor-in-Chief: Er. Ramesh Singh

  1. Performance Assessment of Road Drainage Systems of Burayu Town, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
    Author(s): Mulualem Bekele Nora and K. Naga Sahadeva Reddy
    Drainage Structure, Urban Road, Flooding, Blockage, Maintenance
    Page numbers:
    40-55; Download Pdf
    Cite this article as:  Reddy, K.N.S., & Nora, M.B. (2018). Performance Assessment of Road Drainage Systems of Burayu Town, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, 2(2), 40-55. Retrieved from

  2. Analysis of the Effects of Use of Social Media on Work Performance at the Harare City Council
    Author(s): Vusumuzi Sibanda* and Deanne M. Kudya
    Social media, Productivity
    Page numbers:
    56-64Download Pdf
    Cite this article as:  Sibanda V., & Deanne, M.K. (2018). Analysis of the Effects of Use of Social Media on Work Performance at
    the Harare City Council. 
    International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, 2(2), 56-64. Retrieved from