Global Journal of Current Research
UGC Journal No: 47359:
Vol 6 Issue 1; ISSN: 2320–2920; SJ Impact Factor: 2.912
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari
Practices and Challenges of Educational Leadership in Selected Secondary Schools of Bole Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Authors: Seid Mohammed & Serawit Handiso|Pages: 1-10|Download Pdf|
De-Motivating Factors of Teachers in Selected Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Authors: Seid Mohammed & Serawit Handiso|Pages: 11-20|Download Pdf|
Challenges of Recruitment and Selection of Employees and its Effect on Organizational Performance: The Case of Education Strategy Center
Authors:Azeb Kitila; Seid Mohammed and Serawit Handiso|Pages: 21-30|Download Pdf|
Chemical Composition and Antioxidants of 14 Varieties of White Grape spread in Western Georgia
Authors: Maia Kharadze;Indira Djaparidze;Maia Vanidze and Aleko Kalandia|Pages: 31-35|Download Pdf|
Characterization of biological activity components of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni Leaf Super Fluid Extraction Fraction
Authors: Ruslan Davitadze and Aleko Kalandia|Pages: 36-40|Download Pdf|
A Study of Indian Multinationals and Public Enterprises in Abroad: A Preliminary Review
Authors: Md Suhail Ahmad and Manoj Kumar Mishra| Pages: 41-44|Download Pdf|