Global Journal of Current Research; UGC Journal No: 47359
Vol 5 Issue 1;ISSN: 23202920; SJ Impact Factor: 2.912
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari

1.The Contribution of the Liturgial Year of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdochurch Calendar Focusing on Unique Characters
Massreshaw A. Abebe|Pages: 1-13|Download Pdf|Ethiopia|

 2. Assessment of Urban Land Delivery System for Housing Development in Jinka Town, SNNPR Ethiopia
Abraham Bali Grita and Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari| Pages: 14-21|Download Pdf|Ethiopia and India|

 3. Phytoplankton Diversity Indices and Seasonal Variations of Koramagudda Kere in Lakkavalli Range of Bhadra Wild life Sanctuary  Karnataka
Raghavendra Gowda H. T and  Vijayakumara| Pages: 22-26|Download Pdf| India|

 4. Malondialdehyde, Superoxide dismutase and Catalase responses in Anabas testudineus (BLOCH, 1792) exposed to Laundry Detergent
Thansi S., Akhila S. Nair and Swetha S.| Pages: 27-31|Download Pdf|India|

 5. Preliminary Assessment of Population, Species variation and Habitat Preference of Some Insects in Kuvempu University Campus India
Raghavendra Gowda H. T; Vijayakumara and  Shraddhavadgama|Pages: 32-40|Download Pdf|India|

 6. Challenges and Opportunities of Community Driven Socio-economic Development in Damota Mountain Hill Woliata Zone SNNPR Ethiopia
Merihun Fikru Meja|Pages: 41-46|Download Pdf|Ethiopia|