International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

Vol 13 Issue 2; ISSN: 2277-1921; Peer Reviewed; UGC Approved Journals

SJIF Impact Factor: 6.56; Indexed in Google Scholar and Research Gate

Genetic Association of Angiotensinogen (M235T) Gene Polymorphism with Essential Hypertension in Vindhyan Population of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Authors: Neelam Soni , Rishabh Dev Saket and Abhilasha Shrivastava

Pages: 10-20; [Download Pdf][View HTML]

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32272.42248

Short Communication

Under-utilized crops of Uttarakhand Hills, India.

Author: Vandana Petwal
Pages: 21-23; [Download Pdf]

Biochemical Effect of Rourkela Steel Plant Slag on Vigna  radiata Plant

Authors: Subhasmita Panigrahi; Dr. Manoja Das and Dr. Sanatan Padhan

Pages: 24-28; [Download Pdf]; [View HTML]

DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.21768.64002

Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

Authors: Pratyasha Kumari, Anjana Chauhan, Manoj Kumar Shukla, Prerna Gupta and Manisha

Pages: 29-39; [Download Pdf]

DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.31409.80489