Vol 4 Issue 4
Participatory Evaluation of Banana (Musa paradisiaca L var. sapiertum) Production Constraints and Scaling up of Improved Banana Cultivars in Gedeo Zone Southern Ethiopia
Berhanu Tigabu, Melaku Fisseha, Beniam Tilahun and Aberham Kebedom| Pages:197-201|Download article|
Effect of Apium graveolens extract on Rat Liver Mitochondria, Cytosolic and Microsomal Fractions In-Vitro.
Nermien Z. Ahmed and Gouda T.M. Dawoud|Pages: 202-208|Download article|
Analysis of Cassava Value Chain in Ideato South Local Government Area, Imo State, South-East Nigeria.
Henri-Ukoha1, A; Anaeto, F.C2; Chikezie,C1; Ibeagwa, O. B1; Ukoha, I.I1 , I.O. Oshaji1 and Anyiam, K.H|Pages: 209-215|Download article|
Adaptation Trail of Different Improved Hot Pepper (Capsicum species) Varieties under Gedeo Zone, Dilla, Ethiopia
Melaku Fisseha Teferi, Alemayehu Tilahun Getie, and Lidet Befekadu Telila|Pages: 216-220|Download article|
Seed Characteristics and Seed Production potential of Oxytenanthera abyssinica in Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Northwestern Ethiopia
Demelash Alem Ayana, Abdella Gure and Kassahun Embaye|Pages: 221-231|Download article|
Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Yield and Water Productivity of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) under Drip Irrigation and Mulching at Wolaita Soddo, Ethiopia.
Mandefro Chala and Shoeb Quraishi|Pages: 232-239|Download article|
Genetically Modified Crops- Perceptions, Concerns, Assessment and Regulations for Food Safety in the Context of Human and Animal Nutrition.
Rama Prasad, J., Suhas Sourie, J., Ashish Kumar Sharma., Cherukuri, V. R and Chala Merera Erge|Pages: 240-250|Download article|
Flowering and Causes of Seed Defects in Lowland Bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica): A Case Study in Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Northwestern Ethiopia
Demelash Alem Ayana, Abdella Gure, and Kassahun Embaye|Pages:251-259|Download article|
Antimicrobial Activities of a Streptomyces microflavus Isolated From KSA: Taxonomy, Fermentation, Extraction and Biological activities
Houssam M. Atta2 and Ayman M. Yassen|Pages: 260-269|Download article|
Effect of Replacing Conventional Ration by Cafeteria leftover on Performance of Ross 308 Broiler Chicken
Asmamaw Yinnesu and Dinberu Mamuye|Pages: 270-276|Download article|
HPLC Profiling and Phytochemical Analysis of Fruit Extracts of Guinea pepper – Xylopia aethiopica, (Dunal) A. Richard
Egharevba Henry Omoregie, Shedrach Hubert, and Okhale Samuel Ehiabhi|Pages: 277-282|Download article|
Prevalence and Economic Losses from Bovine Tuberculosis in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
Ayi Vandi Kwaghe, Agbo James Ameh, Abdul-Ganiyu Ambali, Ayuba Caleb Kudi and Mairo Gujiba Kachalla| Pages: 283-287|Download article|
Loss Reduction in Electrical Distribution Systems using Artificial Intelligence
A. Mabruok Khafagi, A. Mahmuod Agwa and M. Ibrahim El-Sayed| Pages: 288-295|Download article|
Prevalence, Risk factors and outcomes of Germinal Matrix Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Preterm Babies: A Single Center Study
Ramadan A Mahmoud, Montaser M Mohamed, Hassan M Mohamed, Al-Zahraa E Sharaf, Khaled F Zaki| Pages: 296-304|Download Pdf|
Placenta Accreta Diagnosis and Conservative Management
Waleed AbdEglel Elshekh|Pages: 305-308|Download Pdf|
A Cytomorphological Study of the Atrophic Pap Smear and Its Diagnostic Challenges
Somaia Ahmed Saad Eldin|Pages: 309-315|Download Pdf|
Effectiveness and Limitations of Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum- a 10 years’ Experience
Mohamed Abdel Bary, Ralph A. Schmid and Morris Beshay|Pages: 316-321|Download Pdf|
Cerebral Microbleeds in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease on Regular Haemodialysis
Mahmoud Haddad Hemida, Arafat Kassem, Wael Osman and Wafik Ebrahim Aly|Pages: 322-332|Download Pdf|
Voice and Oncologic Outcomes following Radiation and Voice Therapy in Cancer Larynx
Megahed Mohamed Hassan, Rafaat A. Bakheet , Mona Elrabie Ahmed| Pages: 333-338|Download Pdf|