Global Journal of Current Research
Vol 4 Issue 3 (Last date for manuscript submission: 30/01/2017)
ISSN: 2277-1948; SJ Impact Factor: 2.912
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari
Impact of Energy Consumption on Indoor Pollution in Rural Wooden Houses of Southern Ethiopia in times of Climate Change
Miftah Fekadu , Tsegaye Bekele and Sisay Feleke| Pages: 14-24|Download Pdf|Ethiopia|
Production Objectives and Selection Criteria of Indigenous Sheep Types in East Gojjam Zone, North Western Ethiopia: Implication for Designing Community Based Breeding Strategies
Michael Abera, Kefelegn Kebede and Yoseph Mekasha| Pages: 25-30| Download Pdf| Ethiopia|