Vol 4 . No. 1

1. Environmental Monitoring  based  on  TLD-100  (LiF:Mg,Ti) Thermoluminescent Detector
Amaal. A. Tawfik| Pages: 1-6|Download article|

2. Determination of Uranium and Thorium Concentration in Ground Water Samples by Inductively  Coupled  Plasma  Mass  Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and the Associated Dose Contribution
M.H.Nassef and H.M. Diab| Pages: 7-13|Download article|

 3. A Phytodiversity Study in the Gavisiddalingeshwara Sacred Grove, Chintanpalli of Yadgir District, Karnataka, India.
Pratima Mathad and Rajasamarsen K Modi | Pages: 14-23|Download article|

4. An Evaluation of Watershed Management Practice in Ethiopia: A Preliminary Review
Tesfa Worku Meshesha and S.K.Tripathi |Pages: 24-30|Download article|

5. Regenerated Polyethylene from Polyethylene Wastes: A Case Study
Ajay Kumar Manna|Pages: 31-34|Download article|