The Role of Rural Land Registration and Certification Program in Ensuring Tenure Security in Menz Gera Midir District, Amhara State, Ethiopia
Ayele Behaylu1*, Abineh Tilahun2 and Tahir Hussain|Pages: 65-70|Download article|

A Study to Assess the Effect of Sacral Massage on Pain during First Stage of Labour among the Mothers in Government Medical College and Hospital: A Case Study of Tiruvannamalai, India
Jayanthi Gopal1, R. Seela 2, O. Chandra Sekhara Reddy3 and Kota Vasudeva Rao|Pages: 71-75|Download article|

A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Selected Intervention in Reducing Level of Pain Perception among Primi Gravida Mothers
Angel Rajakumari G|Pages: 76-79|Download article|

Effectiveness of Breast Self Examination Practices among Adolescent Girls of Selected Schools in Kodhad Telugana India
Angel Rajakumari G|Pages: 80-84|Download article|

Effectiveness of Structured Education on Florescence Test Colposcopy in the Diagnosis of a Typical Metaplasia Dysplasia and Carcinoma in situ of the Cervix among Women of Reproductive age
Angel Rajakumari G|Pages: 85-88|Download article|

Characterized of Nubian Architecture and Folk Art to Discover Creativity of the Designer
Asmaa Abd-Elgawad Elsebae|Pages: 89-99|Download article|

Gendered Voices: Exploring Phonetic Variation in the Female Characters of Hardy and Contemporary Drama
 Salil Sagar |Pages: 100-103|Download Pdf