Vol 5 No 1 International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

Diversity and Distribution of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Ankalga Village (Gulbarga District) Karnataka, India
Sulochana Ankalgi and Murali Jadesh|Pages: 1-5|Download article||

Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Values of Tomatoes Subjected to Different Drying Conditions
Opadotun, O.O, Adekeye, S.A, Ojukwu, E.O, and Adewumi, A.A.|Pages: 6-9|Download article|

Development of NCAM Reciprocating Cassava Mash Sifter
Abiodun L.O., Oladipo N.O and Bamidele B.L|Pages: 10-13|Download article|

 P-T Estimates of Pelitic schists and Gneisses around Mangpu, Darjeeling district, West Bengal, India
Suparna Tewari|Pages: 14-18|Download article|