International Journal of Life Sciences
Vol 13 Issue 2; ISSN: 2277-193x;
SJIF Impact Factor: 6.106; Indexed in Google Scholar and Research Gate
Peer Reviewed; UGC Approved Journal
Association Study TNF-α (G308A) Gene Polymorphism with Essential Hypertension in Vindhyan Population
Authors: Neelam Soni and Abhilasha Shrivastava
Prognostic Value of Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in Functional and Clinical Recovery after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Impaired Left Ventricular Function
Authors: Ismail Nasr El-Sokkary, Esam Ahmed Khalil, Mohamed Hossiny Mahmoud, Bahaa Abd-elgawad Elkhonezy,Hatem Aboalazayem, M.Sh Elfeky, Mahmoud Ibrahim Elshamy, Arafa G. Ibrahim, Mahmoud F. Elshahat, Mohamed Kamal Rehan.
A Descriptive Study to Assess the Job Preference and Attitude Level among Nursing Students in SGRR College of Nursing, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, India.
Authors: Deepti Kukreti; Dineshwari Chanupaonam ; Rebecca Priti and Shivani Masih
Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia: Report of A Case and Review of the Literature
Authors: Thamari Thankam and Ashnah John
A Descriptive Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Exercise on Joint Pain among Middle Age People in Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital Dehradun.
Authors: Sheeba Philip; Renjith Thomas and Kanchan Negi
A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge among Staff Nurses Working in Different ICUs of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Patelnagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand India.
Authors: Sulekha and Abhilash Gusain
Phyto Mediated Synthesis of Nanocomposite for the Catalytic Sorption of Direct Dyes
Author: Sangeetha Nachimuthu
Pages: 54-61; [Download Pdf]