International Journal of Environmental Sciences: Vol 13 Issue 4 

(ISSN: 2277-1948) (SJIF Value: 6.04)
UGC Approved-A Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal

Adsorption Isotherm Studies for COD-BOD Removal from Dairy Waste Water Using Freshly Prepared Adsorbent

Authors: Suman Mishra; Dr. Santosh Kumar Bindhani and Dr. Haramohan Jena
Pages: 71-75; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32349.22245]

Exploring the Challenges Surrounding the Disposal and Management of Sewer and Waste in Chiredzi Urban –Zimbabwe

Authors: Rutendo Elija , Gopal, Shiv Shankar Tiwari and Ishani Debnath
Pages: 76-79; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21291.66081]

The Connection between the Environment and Sustainability: A Preliminary Review

Authors: Sweetie M. Lomax,,  Gopal,  Shiv Shankar Tiwari and  Ishani Debnath
Pages: 80-83; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30447.04004]

Examining Impact of Industrial Pollutants on Human Health, Ecosystem’s, Biodiversity of Local Estate Communities in the Lowveld District, Zimbabwe, Partly as a Result of Sugarcane Production.

Authors:  Rutendo Elija, Gopal, Shiv Shankar Tiwari and Ishani Debnath
Pages: 84-87; [Download Pdf] [DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.11205.97768]

Problem Faced by Dwellers in Dehradun Due to Improper Waste Disposal

Authors: Augusta S. Nugba, Gopal, Shiv Shankar Tiwari and Ishani Debnath
Pages: 88-90; [Download Pdf] [
DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.19830.51522]

Mediated Degradation of Azo dyes by Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Authors: Monica Rajendar;  Vinodhini Eithiraju;  Sriram Venkatraman and Abirami Arasu
Pages: 91-102; [Download Pdf] [DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.33981.37606]

Assessment of Physicochemical Parameters of Spring Water of the Indian Himalayan Region: A Case Study of Maharaja Valley, Kullu

 Author: Rakesh Kumar Singh
Pages: 103-112; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18251.91685]