International Journal of Life Sciences 
Vol 5 Issue 4 (Last date of Manuscript submission: 31/12/2016)
ISSN: 2277-193x; SJ Impact Factor: 5.79
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari
Preliminary Photochemical Screening and Antimicrobial activities of Plant extract of Bryophyllum calycinum.
Chandrika Joshi, Mahendra Singh, Bharat Pandey, Anshulika Upadhyaya, Mahesh Kumar and Kamal K Pande| Pages: 180-185|Download Pdf|
Studies on the Sequential development of the leaves of Soalu Litsaea polyantha Juss.; A Primary host plant of Muga silkworm Antheraea assama Ww. in Bageshwar District of Uttarakhand.
Mahesh Kumar, Garima Joshi, D.P Paliwal and Kamal K Pande|Pages: 186-189|Download Pdf|
The Induction of Callusogenesis and Morphogenesis of Staphylea colchica into in vitro culture
N. Manvelidze1, N. Zarnadze, N. Varshanidze, I. Diasamidze, S. Manjgaladze, T. S. Bolkvadze and K. Dolidze|Pages: 190-193|Download Pdf|
Screening for Liver and Colorectal Cancer among Automobile Mechanics in Ibadan North-East local Government Area, South-West Nigeria
B. Muh, M. Adejumo and M. K. C. Sridhar|Pages: 194-202|Download Pdf|
Rubber Effluent Effects on Soil Chemical Properties and Growth of Telfairia occidentalis in a humid area of Southern Nigeria
*R.O. Okundia, I.K. Okore, C.N. Idehen, A.D.M. Uwumarongie, and F.C. Izevbigie| Pages: 203-209|Download Pdf|
Phycoremediation Efficacy of Gloeocapsa gelatinosa on Coffee, Tea and Sugar Effluent from Bungoma, Nandi and Kakamega Counties: Kenya
Alexander M. Mbeke* David Sang and Rosebella Onyango|Pages: 210-216|Download Pdf|
Effect of Eco-friendly formulations on foraging behaviour of Honeybee, Apis mellifera (L.) in Mustard crop-A novel approach
Brijesh Bisht and Ruchira Tiwari| Pages: 217-221|Download Pdf|
Computational Tools of Bioinformatics and Data Repository: A Scientific Review
Deepika Bisht, R.K. Singh & R.C. Prasad|Pages: 222-227|Download Pdf|
Allergens and Allergic Eye Manifestations Associated with Other Chronic Severe Atopic Disorders
Ahmed M. Reda; Reham Fawzy El Shinawy and Enas Attia|Pages: 228-233|Download Pdf|
Evaluation of Start Codon Targeted Polymorphism among Seven Egyptian Mango Cultivars
Heba S.A. Taha|Pages: 234-239|Download Pdf|
Utilization of the Industrial By-products to produce Geopolymer Concrete
M. Shaaban| Pages: 240-246|Download Pdf|