International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities
(Vol 6 Issue 1); UGC Approved; Journal No: 45640
ISSN: 2321-4147; SJ Impact Factor: 2.996;
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Anil Kumar Tyagi
Resurging Socio-economic Predicaments of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Some Selected areas of Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa
Authors: Seid Mohammed & Serawit Handiso
Pages: 1-6 Download Pdf
Keywords: Challenges, Discrimination, PLWA, HIV/AIDS, Prevalence, Stigma
Effectiveness Administrative Reinforcement on Teachers’ Efficiency: The Case of Aba’alaDistrict, Afar Region, Ethiopia
Authors: Seid Mohammed & Serawit Handiso
Pages: 7-14 Download Pdf
Keywords: Aba’ala District, Influence, Reinforcement, Teachers’ Efficiency, Performance