International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management
Vol 7 Issue 4; ISSN: 2456-1029; Editor-in-Chief: Er. Ramesh Singh
UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journal

Improving Reinforced Concrete Frames against Lateral Forces and Differential Settlement – A Literature Review

Authors: Mohamed Fathy Salem; Ahmed Mohamed Ebid; Tarek Kamal Hassan; Dina Muhammad Ors

Pages: 87-99; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21975.69287]

Improving the Blast Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns: A Literature Review

Authors: Ahmed Taher, Mohamed N. Fayed, Wael Elbadrawy, Mohammed Galal El Sherbiny

Pages: 100-106; [Download Pdf] [DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28267.14880]

Evaluating Constraints to the Widespread Adoption of Customized Solar Energy Systems in Uttarakhand

Authors: Rahul Singh and Sunil Panjeta
Pages: 117-113; [Download Pdf][DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34125.55524]