International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities
Vol 9 Issue 2; ISSN: 2321-4147; COSMOS Impact Factor: 3.625
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Anil Tyagi
Predictors of Mental Health among Adolescents
Authors: Dr. Ruchi Dubey and Dr. Vidhu Shekhar Pandey
Keywords: Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence, Academic Anxiety, Family Environment
Pages: 41-48; Download Pdf|
The Multiple Roles of Translation in the 21ST Century: The UAE National Library and Archives Project (Translations) as a Model
Author: Professor/Dr. Saddik Gohar
Keywords: National Library and Archives; Translations project- inter-civilizational dialogue; the culture of tolerance; cultural hybridity; promoting local heritage
Pages: 49-52;Download Pdf|
Impact of Marital Satisfaction and its correlates on Quality of Life of Elderly
Author: Dr. Anuradha Mahapatra
Keywords: Marital satisfaction, Quality of Life, age, gender and Socio-economic status
Pages: 53-59; Download Pdf|