Global Journal of Current Research
          Vol 6 Issue 3; ISSN: 2320–2920; SJ Impact Factor: 2.912
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pananjay Kartikey Tiwari

Deforestation in Nagaland, North-East India: Causes, Effects and Subsequent Environmental Degradation-A Preliminary Review
Authors: M.S. Rawat, Vika V. Zhimo and Nukshienla Imchen
Key Words: Deforestation, Environmental degradation, Shifting cultivation, Conservation, Nagaland, North East India.
Pages: 61-70; Download Pdf

Some Upper Bounds of Super Edge-Magic Deficiency of Chain Graphs
Author: M. Aslam & H.U. Afzal
Super edge-magic deficiency, chain graphs.
Pages: 71-75;Download Pdf

The Intersections between Native American and Anti-Colonial Palestinian Poetry
Author: Saddik M. Gohar
Palestinians; Native Americans; Victimization; Violence; Zionism; Resistance; Revolution; Nostalgia.
Pages: 76-93;Download Pdf

Evaluation of Endometrial Volume and Endometrial Thickness by Ultrasound in Comparison to Histological Finding in AUB
Authors: Rashed Mohamed Rashed, Ehab Mohamed Elhelw and Ahmed Samara Yossef Ahmed
Keywords: Endometrial Volume- Endometrial Thickness- Ultrasound – AUB
Pages: 94-102;Download Pdf

Factors Affecting the Business Environment in Iran as perceived by Managers of Companies in Iran 
Author: Seyed Ehsan F. Hosseini
Business, Iran, Affective Factors, Foreign Investment
Pages: 103-107Download Pdf