International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management
Vol 2 Issue 1ISSN2456-1029; SJIF: 2.92
Editor-in-Chief: Er. Ramesh Singh

Engineering Articles
1. Security of Wireless Campus Networks in Selected Public and Private Universities in Kenya

Author(s): Otieno Samson Ooko, Ataro Edwin O and Metto Shadrack
Networks, Wireless, Network Security, University
Page numbers: 1-10;  Download Pdf

Cite this article as:  Otieno S. O, Ataro E. O and Metto S. (2017). Security of Wireless Campus
Networks in Selected Public and Private Universities in Kenya. International Journal of
Research in Engineering and Management,
 2(1), 1-10. Retrieved , from

2. Immunization Awareness and Alert Mobile Phone Based System for Kapsabet County Referral Hospital
Author(s): Kamau Anthony Gichatha; Harrison Bii and Edna Milgo
Immunization-awareness, adoption rates, mobile-phone-systems,
Page numbers: 11-16;  Download Pdf  

Cite this article as:  Gichatha, K.A., Bii, H., & Milgo, E. (2017). Immunization Awareness and Alert Mobile Phone Based System for Kapsabet County Referral Hospital. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, 2(1), 11-16. Retrieved , from

3. A Novel Design of Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Switch Count
Author(s): G. Sivakumar and Kiran. R.
Multilevel inverter topology’s, H-Bridge inverter, Microcontroller based PWM.
Page numbers: 17-24;
  Download Pdf 

Cite this article as: G, Sivakumar., & R, Kiran. (2017). A Novel Design of Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Switch Count.  International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, 2(1), 17-24. Retrieved, from

4. Significance and Algorithms of Web Clustering Engine: A Review
Author(s): Rakesh Kumar Singh and Deepika Bisht
Web search, Clustering, Queries, Web clustering Engine, etc.

Page numbers: 25-30; Download Pdf

Cite this article as: Singh, R.K., & Bisht, D. (2017). Significance and Algorithms of Web Clustering Engine: A Review. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, 2(1), 25-30. Retrievedfrom

5. The Impact of Multi-Currency System on the Viability of the Zimbabwean Hospitality Sector
Author(s): Nyasha Terence Mhungu & Vusumuzi  Sibanda
Impact, multi-currency system, viability, hospitality sector

Page numbers: 31-39; Download Pdf

Cite this article as:  Mhungu, N.T., & Sibanda, V. (2017). The Impact of Multi-Currency System on the Viability of the Zimbabwean Hospitality Sector. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management, 2(1), 31-39. Retrieved from