International Journal of Research in Engineering and Management
Vol 4 Issue 2; ISSN: 2456-1029; Editor-in-Chief: Er. Ramesh Singh

Behavior of  Tension Leg Platform Wind Turbine Subjected to Environmental loads

Authors: Oliver Sadek Helmy Sadek, M. NourEldin S. Fayed,H. A. M. Elarabaty,S. Y. Aboul Haggag
TLP:Tension Leg Platform; WT:Wind Turbine; LAT:Lowest Water Level ;HAT:Heighest Water Level; MSL:Mean Sea Level; AM:Added Mass; RD:Radiation Damping
Pages: 71-80; Download Pdf|

Effect of Steel Fiber Ratio and various Reinforcement Ratios on Flexural behavior of HSC& UHSC beams

Authors: Mina Nabil, Ezz-Eldin Mostafa, Amr Zaher
Ultra-high strength concrete, flexural behavior, vertical deflection

Pages: 81-89Download Pdf|

Effect of Cross section and various Reinforcement ratios on Flexural behavior of HSC& UHSC beams

Mina Nabil, Ezz-Eldin Mostafa, Amr Zaher
Ultra-high strength concrete, vertical deflection
Pages: 90-100Download Pdf|

Discipline: Management
Citation analysis of Management Thesis: A study of Doctoral Thesis submitted to Kumaun University, Nainital

Author: Mahesh Chandra Belwal
Citation Analysis, Kumaun University, Management

Pages: 101-106Download Pdf|