Modification and Analysis of APIOBPCS Model using Inventory Control Best
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Supply Chain Optimization Model under Uncertainty
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 The Challenges of Food Nutrition in Nigeria: A Preliminary Review and the Way Forward
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Relationship between Socio-economic Characteristics, Use of Family Planning and Household Food Security among Rural Farmers in Ifelodun Local Government, Kwara State Nigeria
1Nwachukuw C. S., 2Aduba, J. J., and 2Mohammed B. T|Pages: 135-141|Download article|

Effect of Mycoflora on Quantity and Quality of Oil Produced from Pongamia pinnata seeds during Storage
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 Distribution and Morphodiversity Analysis of Genus Dioscorea from India with special reference to Satpura Hilly Ranges and Western Ghat of Maharashtra State, India.
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Screening of Parameters and Production of Amylases using Aspergillus oryzae by Submerged Fermentation Process
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Generalized Linear Acceleration and Linear Velocity for a Particle of Non zero Mass in a Static Homogeneous Spherical Distribution of Mass
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Analytical Studies of Plaster Painting and State of Conservation in Red Monastery- The Church of Saints Bishai and Bigol, Sohag, Egypt
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Determination of Activity Concentrations and Annual Effective Doses from Cattle parts in Tin Mining areas of  Jos South and Barkin Ladi Local Government areas of Plateau State, Nigeria
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 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of impact of Dengue fever infection among nursing students
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 Assessment of Environmental Awareness among Rural and Urban Residents in Bishnah, Jammu and Kashmir, India
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